If you wish to find out further information about camelids, check out the following links: 
The BVCS works closely with camelid owners, particularly through the British Llama Society and the British Alpaca Society, both promoting the responsible ownership, registration, breeding and farming of camelids in the UK.

The British Llama Society
The British Alpaca Society


British Camelids Ltd
In addition, the President and one other member of the BVCS are on the board of trustees of British Camelids Ltd which is a charity dedicated to the welfare of camelids, representation and liaison with and DEFRA on behalf of all camelids and research and development relating to camelid health, welfare and good husbandry practice. In addition they are concerned with the promotion of, and education about, camelids to the general public in the UK and on their web site publish papers relating to research and development undertaken on behalf of the charity.
As part of these aims, each year British Camelids Ltd provides sponsorship for two members of BVCS to attend the annual International Camelid Health Conference held in the USA. The successful applicants give talks or write articles as stipulated by BCL and BVCS so that the knowledge from the conference can be disseminated.
BCL also promotes membership of BVCS by periodically offering sponsored membership to vets who may find themselves asked to work with camelids or by encouraging camelid owners to pay the first year’s membership fees.

The British Veterinary Zoological Society
BVZS is involved in almost every aspect of the care and welfare of exotic pets, zoo animals and wildlife.

The Camelid TB Support and Research Group
The Camelid TB support and Research Group aims to provide detailed help, information and advice about bovine TB in camelids ... click here